Daniel Bevan MA (Oxon) Dip.Couns. MBACP NCPS Accr.

Therapeutic Counsellor


Feeling troubled in your life?

You may not know why and your outward symptoms may have little to do with the underlying causes. At DB Therapy you can go at your own pace in a non judgmental, safe environment and begin to unpick those issues from the past or present and learn to understand more about yourself and how these issues have affected you. Once you can understand yourself you have the key to a far better life because you can actually do something about it. Simple when you think about it. Self awareness is like toothpaste. Once it's out of the tube you can't put it back in. It's the agent of change.

About me

I have a degree from Oxford University as well as a counselling diploma. I have broad life experiences including business as well as family. I have particular experience in addiction therapy. These experiences enable me to relate to a broad range of life issues. I am quite analytical and like to get to the heart of matters. One thing is for sure: Our sessions will definitely go somewhere.


Expect a lively style of session with me. I'm not the counsellor who repeats back to you what you've just said. I can be challenging for sure, but I can guarantee that you will not be bored. Successful clients always want the journey and put the work in themselves to achieve it. My role is as a witness to that journey with a bit of prodding on the way. If the client does not want the journey then we can work out why that might be the case as well.

You can access DB Therapy from anywhere as video sessions are the standard means of therapy. No need to travel long distances and you can maintain regular weekly sessions which is important for therapeutic change.

At DB Therapy we value what we call the talking or humanistic therapies. What this means is that by being given the opportunity to turn subconscious, unstructured thoughts or feelings into actual spoken words, that process gives a logic to the thoughts or feelings that wasn't previously present in their unstructured form. This illuminates and opens up those thoughts or feelings as to what they actually are and what they mean. The client can then be able to identify where those thoughts and feelings actually come from. This is one of the keys to self knowledge and self awareness which drives the therapeutic process forwards. Thoughts become a lot less scary once you have expressed and reflected on them.

Every person is unique and special. That's what makes counselling such an amazing activity. Our aim at DB Therapy is to allow you to become the best version of yourself and to have a fulfilled life in terms of how it is lived and of relationships made on the way.

Working with DB Therapy

Sessions are one hour and cost £55. We recommend a block of 6 at a discounted price of £300 as a route to effective therapy. This can be weekly, fortnightly or even monthly if that suits. Email hello@dbtherapy.org.uk for a free assessment and say in your email briefly what you feel your main issues seem to be. We will respond and book a half hour session at no cost to you, after which we can work out the best way forward for you.

What clients say:

To be honest, your therapy has been the most effective I've ever had. I really want to invest in myself to get better!

JH, London

Dan Bevan is one of the most insightful counsellors that I have ever met. He cut straight to the chase in no time at all and totally understood what was going on. His suggestions were helpful and drove positive results. I really can't recommend him enough. Happy to chat through to verbally validate this endorsement.

JR, London

Over 24 weekly sessions with Dan, I've made massive progress. I was still stuck in the middle of alcohol and drug addiction when I first started talking to Dan, and his guidance has been key to my recovery and turning my life around.

CR, London

Before engaging in Dan’s sessions, I was in a vicious cycle of alcoholism. Through the progress of the program, I was able to kick the alcohol out of the car and take back control of my life. I haven’t felt this great in years!

MN, London